Your description of her reaction when you asked her to go on top so you could look at her - I was wondering - how does she feel about herself and the way she looks - not how you feel - how she feels. Maybe she isnt comfortable with herself - which can be a major head fuck for all. If she feels she doesnt look good and is dieting say, then maybe she is starving and snappy at the temptation of food you are shoving at her after she has been avoiding it. Even if you break up, you were friends before you were lovers, see if there is anything you may have been missing - but no snooping etc, just try to listen carefully, and only ask gentle non direct questions - if it is a question of low self esteme and you are splitting, some well thought sound guidance and a moral boost from someone she knows who once loved the person she used to be = that might be a kind leaving present. Try true compliments, without snoggings and thought of a quicky, just as pleasantries. Making her smile can cost but a thought and a few words. Just my ramblings on sleeping tablets. My hands type the speed you used to see baywtch babes run along the beach

- is that the right little head for shitfaced or bombed or 'out of ones tree'? Can we have a little Rasta man added please for when we are a tad or were a tad shitfaced in some way or other?