ive held back my thoughts on this since it broke. Im conflicted at this event, how it broke and why it happened.
my first initial thought was..oh no, not again.
The fllowed by the usual " i hope not...it better not be...."
Then followed by relief that it wasnt islamic terrorists, but in fact some form of demented christian terrorist gone mad. Not that that was any better. Both are dispicable cowards, but ive been sick to death of the shit muslims have been dragged through over the past decade whether they actually did carry things out or not. AQ is the bogeyman, and you can pin the tail on him. It doesnt matter where it sticks, as long as it sticks really. Thats the tale of AQ. They'll stick with us for a long time as long as journalists keep up their copy-paste exercise they call journalism.
I can understand MSD's reasoning for this guy targeting children and innocent people, but had he targeted immigrants, i dare say that he may well have caused a war.
with regards to what SF said, i kind of agree. Although this story is big news, it would be even bigger if there was a muslim involved.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy