Originally Posted by Ultrabum
....Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think a pervert dragging people onto bushes is committing rape. That's what rape is. the other crimes ought to be given a different label. As cruel and brutal as they are, on a sliding scale I might add, aren't the same.
That is why the charges come down as 'first degree sexual assault' or 'third degree sexual assault.' First degree probably involves forcible penetration. Third degree may just be someone playing 'grab ass or breast' in a bar. Third degree is assault, but not rape, by most peoples definition.
Originally Posted by Ultrabum
I think when an individual uses violence or drugs or any other circumstance where the others consent is ignored, sublimates or other wise circumvented is rape.
A person who is intoxicated, mentally incompetent, under age, etc., cannot legally give consent.
Originally Posted by Ultrabum
But when woman consents and regrets it later is clearly not rape. She consented and then changed her mind after the fact. it's s totally different ball game.
Well, yes, sometimes this is just 'buyer's remorse,' BUT, if a woman gives consent to, say, oral sex, and ends up being forced into anal, then that certainly IS rape.
And thanks to Plan9 for his useful discussion of both the Uniform Crime Report and the National Crime Victimization Survey.