Thing is, it is different in Scotland. As a separate country,although within the Union, it has it's own laws. I think you're probably right about the procedures though. They will be largely similar. That laws themselves and the laws governing how the police do their jobs is different.
As has been discussed earlier about definitions of and the fact that rapists aren't moustache twirling baddies, that wait in parks at night and drag girls into bushes. All people accused if rape get demonised as though they are the brutal kind and that's before they are proven guilty.
Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think a pervert dragging people onto bushes is committing rape. That's what rape is. the other crimes ought to be given a different label. As cruel and brutal as they are, on a sliding scale I might add, aren't the same.
I think when an individual uses violence or drugs or any other circumstance where the others consent is ignored, sublimates or other wise circumvented is rape.
But when woman consents and regrets it later is clearly not rape. She consented and then changed her mind after the fact. it's s totally different ball game.
I'm not even sure about cases of employers using the threat of losing the job. Mind you we are dealing with different administrations. I don't know if that is regarded as rape in the UK. It is treated as a serious crime though I'll make that clear.
I just think the further from the 1900s idea of rape we go the further into nebulous uncertain territory we go. Not that we shouldn't. But care is required if proper justice is the goal.