My take on the whole thing is that adults should not be having sex with teenagers - ever. Not because I think that the sex is somehow going to "scar" the teenagers forever, but because adults are in a position of power and control over the teens and should not be using that power to further their own sexual desires.
Truth be told, when I was 15 the ONLY thing on my mind was getting laid (it wouldn't happen till I was 17). Im am 100% sure that if a hot 30 something year old woman had wanted to go to bed with me I would have loved it (because sex with a female was something I really wanted badly).
I've also over the years had relationships with a couple of women who have had sex with their brothers and cousins who were about the same age. Interestingly, neither of them were "scarred" by it and instead viewed it as something that happened when they were young and they were no longer interested in.
Now I am not advocating this kind of behaviour, but I am saying that it is not a black and white issue in terms of damage being done to the teenagers. It's complicated to say the least.