My Nephew was 3 when my brother and I took him to see Ice Age 3. There was ONE scary part with a big Dinosaur, but other than that he was fine. Other than a melt down over reese pieces, he did really well, but he's a movie kid. A few months later my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and I went to see Toy Story 3. (LOTS of 3s here) That movie didn't have a scary dinosaur and we learned our candy lesson, so he did even better. I think he and I were more excited about the movie than bro and s-i-l. They took a nap while my nephew and I watched every second of it. He sat in my lap the whole time....It was so cute.
He probably watches too many movies at home though. He'll sit at home and become engrossed in a show without making a sound or move. He was the same at the theaters. I'm hoping his parents ween him off of movies and TV a little bit.
Attack ZombieSquirrels
Originally Posted by Plan9
She probably tastes like cheap beer and smells like a jockstrap.