Well I finally managed to get out and shoot the rifle. I went out to one of the local national forests. Unfortunately the only spot where I could find a clear open area with a backdrop was a marsh area, and there was a buttload of mosquitos/gnats.
I brought 200 rounds of American Eagle .223 with me that I wanted to shoot to test reliability, but only managed to get through 100 rounds before the sheer amount of bugs flying into my mouth/nose made things unbearable.
So here's some pictures, I really have no idea how far away the target was, maybe 50 yards. The log in the middle was where the marsh area was.
This was my first time shooting a rifle and all shots were from a standing position on uneven ground in bushes. I couldn't benchrest on the table because the bushes were too high. /end of excuses
Basically I'm pulling shots to the lower left, probably a result of jerking the trigger. The 5 shot group was the first one of the day. The grouping on the neck area was when I was aiming for the head, and the grouping in the lower left of the body was when I was aiming at the chest. I probably need to work on squeezing the trigger straight to the rear.
I lubed the bolt carrier group pretty well the day before with ballistol and the gun had no malfunctions.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche