Originally Posted by Strange Famous
spending 100's on a meal must surely be a bit elitist, because most people couldnt afford to do it?
Is a meal that costs 100$ really 10 times better than a meal that costs 10$?
Would you mind defining "elitist" as you see it? (for the purposes of this thread...) The term seems to be a recurring theme with rather negative and/or judgemental connotations. Just because someone can afford to do something that you cannot, or that they choose to enjoy things that you wouldn't choose to enjoy, does not make them elitist. Just because someone has a larger budget than you, does not mean that they think they are better than you.
Is a meal that costs $100 really 10x better...depends on your tastes and where you go. Some people would think so, others would think that those people are elitists for spending that much money on a meal.