Because people make mistakes; because people have flaws. My flaw is that I love folding my socks. My exwife's flaw was screwing some other dude while I was gone. I don't have to accept the behavior. I have to figure out whether or not I can accept the person. It's that easy.
My age is largely irrelevant. I think maybe my occupation has made me more lenient to these type of emo transgressions. I would probably be okay with a more open relationship. I'm not married and shit, I'm gone for months at a time. Modern women don't dig that. They're not property.
Why is it the job of the non-cheating partner to be the bigger person? It isn't. You can totally be an asshole. I've done that, too. I've threatened legal action, I've stormed out apartments with everything I own in trash bags, I've said some real shitty things. Offense as defense. It didn't make me feel better in the long run. And it didn't help me get through my problems with that partner. It was wrong. And not just to her. To me, too.
It's been years now and I quite often I go to bed regretting those choices. Not just because I miss the person, but because I am ashamed that, in the face of adversity, I became a scared junk yard dog. There is no honor in that. I didn't need to be that way. It was a huge learning point for me.
This isn't my therapy session, but I hope the example makes sense for those that might want to get something out of it.
Last edited by Plan9; 07-11-2011 at 10:29 AM..