In all honesty, your frequent changing of partners (no matter how many "sex quality control measures" you applied) and forced emotional distance from your lovers before your ex-fiancée implies much deep-seated issues within you to me. Insecurities, simply put. I believe several factors play a major role in your current state, three of which I'd say to be the situation with your father causing damage, the mix of the father-situation and breaking up with your ex-fiancée, and the likely fact that both your father and your ex-fiancée were men you put deep trust and love into only to see it all wash down the drain (father going crazy, and ex-fiancée deeply disappointing you).
However, the entire issue and how it is best handled shouldn't be speculated on by strangers without the necessary training. There are very good reasons to go to a professional, certified psychologist than have your own friends/relatives guide you through this.
A psychologist is a paid stranger one opens oneself to and gives objective statements, whereas friends/relatives very often lack the necessary objectivity, and are prone to give their untrained and often false opinions. A psychoanalysis takes many months and a lot of going as deep as possible into yourself to learn who you really are at your core.
Psychologists/Therapists are trained to help you with the very most of your internal issues over a lengthy period of time.
My advice would definitely be to seek out a good Psychologist and get yourself analysed. Don't force anything, or let things simply idle within you. Issues like that have a tendency to either get worse over time, or to disappear but cause other cracks to show up.
Hope this helps.
Last edited by Remixer; 07-09-2011 at 08:03 AM..