first off i'm really sorry to hear about you're loss. i myself have a brother and 2 sister and a nephew and losing any of them would destroy me aswell. i have dealt with loss though, i lost my father about 7 years ago and it was the hardest thing i have ever been through. he died in a car accident so as you know it was sudden but i was ok through mass and the funeral but i just started to miss him like i've never felt. he was my best friend. whenever i started to think about it, reality would kick me in the face and i would know that i would never be able to speak with him again, ask him for advise, hang out with him, hear his voice and hug him ever again and spending another one of my, my brother or sisters or his birrthday together. it simplly destroyed me and i think for everyone its different how they deal with death. talking for me was good even though i would always end up crying because just the thought of him not being around anymore just kills me, even when writing you this message brings tears to my eyes since its simply something i will never get over but just learn to live with. you will never ever stop loving you're brother and he knows that as much as you do and this is something very important that you'll have to remember. talking to you're husband ab out it and explaining how its affecting you will definetly help him understand if he hasn't dealt with death himself. it takes time is all i have to say, i don't know how much but one day you'll realize that you want to be out but there will be those times when you get drunk and you'll cry but thats just part of it and getting through time in you're life will only make you a stronger person and the day someone comes to you as you've in some way come to me, you can offer you're advise since you've been in their shoes like i've been in yours.
you're gonna be fine and i worry too much about you're husband as long as you talk about it with him. let him understand and let him understand how much you're brother meant to you.
i've been there and i know how you feel. don't hold you're tears back. you'll get through these hard times and life does move on. you'll be fine.
take care and if you want to talk or email, send me a private message.
take care.
whadata my damie.