Originally Posted by KirStang
The Bravo Company Charging Handles are the Heat. I fricken love them. It's much easier to get purchase on your charging handle compared to the GI nub.
99% of the folks I know rocking the tac latch charging handles love them. I stay away because for some reason, they tend to get hung up on my kit or whatever and will pull the bolt out of battery just enough so that I dont notice until it's time to pull the trigger. The GI charging handle works well enough for me, though its obviously no match for my retard strength.
Remember that old Army story about leaving a Private to guard a rock, a hammer and an 600 lbs anvil? Yeah, that was me.
Originally Posted by Plan9
Did you let out a thunderous "WALT SMASH!" when you broke it? C'mon, you know you did. Beer on me.
I can't hear you over the sound of the thousands of rounds of Bear-brand ammo I've cycled through my M4.
Maybe, uh, "informal shooting" and "plenty of time" and "cleaning rod to tap stuck casing out" or something.
Bonus points for breaking the charging handle with your hands. That takes effort. Usually done with a boot.
I'm not trying to be a dick but the order of operations for a stuck casing should prevent a broken charging handle.
Walt just pawn in game of life. I probably shouldn't have hulked out and smashed stuff, but I think breaking my rifle was for the best as it allowed me to justify my odd obsession of keeping extra parts for everything.
Originally Posted by remy1492
yeah, wolf is dirty and is slower in ARs. Its great for AKs but AKs eat anything anyways.
Yeah, my AKM will eat Wolf all day like a fat girl at a Golden Corral. Then again, I'm pretty sure I could load Pez, small rocks and bits of pocket lint and the rifle would still go bang.