Please use Photobucket, for Chrissakes. Makin' me go to ImageShack to look at a picture is uncivilized. Some people's kids.
Nice stick. Looks like it has some of the goodies on it I mentioned in that ridiculously long masturbatory PM a few months back.
Daniel Defense A1.5 fixed rear iron sight, QD end plate. I'd push that broomstick/flashlight farther forward so you can drive it.
Optic is good. I don't think I'll ever be able to use an optic without a big rectangular window and a 1 MOA red dot, though.
And a rifle isn't a rifle without a sling, homeslice. Get that Emdom/MM Gunslinger strap yet? Get something on this beast.
I'm jealous that your first M4 comes from research and not "military training." You got a great blaster.
Last edited by Plan9; 06-16-2011 at 11:34 AM..