This is my first post here as a newbie. Awesome thoughtful responses to a very important issue.
I think that my best answer is a "Purple Pillow".
The references to communication struck a chord for me. I don't think this post is about shirts, sex, or the partner's response. It really is about developing the abilty to listen, and to do that way beyond "ears" in a way that brings out the very best in oneself and others with whom one comes in contact.
Certainly the partner's response had nothing to do with anything that affects the outcome for the person who posted. Sooner or later the outcome would be crap anyhow.
Something else is missing. And has been missing way before the crisis came to a head. If it was not going to be shirts, sooner or later it would be someting else maybe finances or parenting or how omlettes should be cooked.
So, this is where the purple pillow can come into play.
More to follow if some more posts come through.