I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice and taking the time to respond in this thread. Im not going to lie, this is something Ive never faced or dealt with, and it is hard trying to understand the best way for me to be there for her. She is like zenda said, up and down. She is frustrated because she has gotten two different opinions and two different avenues for treatment. Because this is such a rare form of this cervical cancer she is having to go to through the ringer of doctors and specialist and its frustrating. I told her to call the specialist(which is renowned at cervical cancer in our state) and speak to her again. Just a tidbit of info..the original doctor(her gynecologist) sent her to a specialist in her town. That doctor freaked out and scheduled her for a radical hysterectomy for a the doctor in my town which happens to be one of the states leading doctors in the matter. That doctor said shes seen this way too many times and its not nearly as bad as the original two doctors said it was and that chemo and radiation should be fine for it. With that said, she was going to do chemo/radiation back in her town and the doctors and clinic she went to said they cant believe they arent doing the hysterectomy. So that confused the shit out of her. Thats why I had suggested to call the doctor here(the good one) and just talk to her again and explain she is scared and frustrated over all these different opinions. She is hurting so that is making it worse. Ill keep you all updated. Hope everyone has a safe weekend.
Last edited by Unknown2U; 06-03-2011 at 06:24 AM..