Forces isnt as simple is it - in some ways. I dont think the guy will ask you for help getting stuff fixed. Be sure not to offer. Your contacts are not up to what he wants - so if he asks, you are not sure if you know anyone capable enough. Smile. Still look out for dead mens shoes/bunk.
No the fellow does not have much in the way of manners - I know forces have changed much over the decades - including the attitude of those in them. Dad worked for army, paras before that. In his day, you could leave your locker open and trust your mates - I understand thats no longer the case. If you complain you may well get labeled a moaning minnie.
Patience. No more doing favours - and no more offering - which you may, by nature, find hard to do. The instructors will probably encourage more adult behaviour from him - and while they do it - SMILE. Do you cover 'how to behave in foreign climes and interact with the local people in a well mannered and acceptable way' - bet you could find a few questions for that one. It is not the US forces strong point is it - if you have open discussion groups with lecturers - you could always ask why that is do they think. Might make matey think - but he probably wont - skin too thick.
Get your own back - sign him up to Free Bradley Manning a few dozen times. An 'I support Sarah Palin for president' bumper sticker would surely cast doubt as to his sanity.