Very well could be caused by an STD. Yeast infections do not generally have an odor of their own unless they are in conjunction with an STD or BV (Bacterial Vaginosis). Bacterial Vaginosis has a very characteristic fishy odor and can become very strong. This can be caused by not wiping properly (Back to front), anal/vaginal sex hopping, as well as any other infections that make the individual more prone to Bacterial infection. BV is not something that a man can usually have issues from but he can carry it between women and in some extreme cases develop a UTI from it.
The only way that I could see dealing with it is if you suggest that she have a yearly exam. If she has BV or any STD it will be caught by a PAP smear. Also, I had a Dr who suggested that I douche regularly with a simple vinegar douche. While this is normally advised against by Dr's, in some cases it can be needed to control the Ph and bacterial that some women can be prone to. If she asks why you suggest it say that she had an odor that you weren't familiar with and caused you a little worry. If she can't handle the criticism imagine what other issues she could have.
Personally, I would much rather have a man tell me about something that makes him uncomfortable than loose him because he's grossed out.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.