I don't think it would help at all. I was bullied constantly from junior high school on. It wasn't my looks (though I was mocked by some for having a oval face and high forehead), it was just that I was there and a total victim. Even if I had been gorgeous, I still would not have had the social know-how at the time to deal with the situation and effectively stop the bullying.
Some kids just don't have it.
As for now, the forehead that I hated and the oval face... they work for me. What was awkward as a kid, I grew into, and now I'm pretty damn attractive and have my own unique look.
Also, having been around a number of women who have undergone various plastic surgeries for face and body, facial plastic surgery rarely looks right when it's done. There's always something a little off, a shiny tightness of the skin, an edge on the sides of the nose, etc.
I don't think children who are just awkward should really have the option to modify their appearance to what they think they should look like before they have been exposed to the world to find out what they, and not their social group, find attractive.
"You know what? Fuck the moon! He controls our water and our women. I've had enough!"