Hi all, for the purposes of this post please ignore my other post, that is the *other* side of my relationship, lol. And please be patient, this one's a biggy
Well basically I wanted to ask advice on how to get my partner to ... ...participate in my fetish.
I can literally see you all rolling your eyes because this must've been asked a thousand times. I've trawled google, yahoo answers, other boards etc but this time i've decided to get stuck in because I like this forum and the intelligence within it.
Ok, so let me outline what my fetish involves. First, it is in no way weird, strange, kinky, etc, so apologies to the people who thought this thread was gonna be real dirty.
Second, it involves clothes. This is a little embarassing to admit but its certainly not the worst fetish i've read about, so at least I can take heart from that. Basically, my girlfriend dresses very well. This is one of the things I really like in her, she always makes sure she looks smart and presentable, but never over the top or trashy. The perfect woman, lol. In her wardrobe she has a LOT of clothes, most of which are nice. But my favourites are her shirts. She has maybe 15 shirts of all different types and colours etc, but they are my favourite. The bad part is, she never wears them anymore. Ever. She used to wear them to work and sometimes everyday, but now she never does. It hurts lol...
These are the object of my sexual fetish, and sometimes when she's out of the house i'll go and touch them, feel them and sometimes i'll wear them. I even bought her one out of the blue (with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine so it didn't appear strange! I was so worried she'd ask certain questions!!!).
The reason I need advice is because clearly, I have no right or will to ask her to change her dress sense because it's already perfect in my mind, apart from her never wearing them. Having said that, I'd love for her to incorporate them into our sex somehow. I'm not even sure how she could but all I know is that it would really add to our sex. I'm perfectly content with our sexual relationship but I think this would take it to the nth degree. So how to go about asking her/telling her?
Last week I *almost* told her, it was eating me up inside, all I could think about was her wearing these shirts, me taking photos of her, having sex whilst she wore them, etc. I simply *had* to tell her, right there and then. But I pussied out and only told her half the story. I told her that I had a fetish for clothes, which isn't strictly true. She simply said 'oh, right' and tried to change the subject. Grrrr, lol. I'd worked up the courage to say something (because let's face it, no matter how comfortable you are in a relationship, and how much you can talk about sex, it is embarassing and taboo does play it's part). She dismissed it! How dare she! *sarcasm*...
Anyone else experienced something similar?
How did you tell her/him?
How do you think I should ask without hurting her feelings or making her feel like she doesn't dress right?
Oh, and I just remembered a part of my fetish which is VERY strange....I like to find photos of women wearing shirts and photoshop my girlfriend's head onto them. Now you tell me that getting sexual gratification from THAT isn't weird!!!!!!!!