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Old 05-10-2011, 10:52 AM   #23 (permalink)
Originally Posted by LunarEclipse View Post
... I get turned on when my man talks about his past and some of his sexual "conquests." I am sure some of them are from the not so recent past and in large part I don't ask and he doesn't tell.

So do I think he sleeps with other women from time to time, absolutely. Does it bother me, no, but I am also of the age where I am not looking for the love of my life and he and I are good friends and have the kind of sex that I don't get from more traditional relationships.

So it's whatever works and what works for some people does not work for others.

It wouldn't work for me, but I think that couples having multiple partners can work out if it is an accepted and expected part of the relationship. They aren't trying to hide it from each other, and it doesn't threaten the primary relationship. But if it's open and accepted, I wouldn't label it "cheating" either, 'cause it's within the accepted parameters of the relationship.

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