How likely is it he thought I was the one that sucked at kissing?
I've been seeing a guy for over 2 months and I was getting tired of waiting for that kiss. He's pretty shy and he stalled before dropping me off and saying good night. Obviously he wanted something so I just kissed him slowly with a peck. I pulled away and then we went in for another kiss. It was a nice moment until he opened his mouth.
He went way too fast! I was thinking "What the hell?" His kiss was a bunch of pecks of kisses with no time for tongue in between...and when we did it'd be really fast and short. Basically tongue (half a second), kiss, half a second tongue, kiss. He almost kissed me with my mouth still open too!! I tried following his way and it was so weird and he kissed way too fast.
It wasn't a disgusting kiss, just very awkward. I was embarrassed for days...and couldn't stop thinking about how bad it was and how disappointed I am. I thought he'd be more experienced.
I talked to my ex and asked him how was I honestly when we first kissed and he said I was okay when we first kissed but the more we kissed we became in synch. So I guess I don't suck possibly?
I'm just wondering...if I thought the guy sucked bad at you think it's likely he thought I was bad too???