I have played...
Hellgate London (Yes, I was Flagshipped)
And none of them are as entertaining to me as Rift has been. EQ2 was, ages ago, when you had to actually quest for citizenship and there was some complexity to it. Still, they dumbed down the factioning from the original EQ and have kept making things so easy that I stopped playing a few months ago and haven't looked back.
I never liked WoW enough to play more than a day or two, so maybe the correlation to it being just the same/similar to Rift is something that happens after level 5 or so. Or maybe I'm allergic to Night Elves. I dunno.
I love Rift because of the random invasions/portals that require you to drop everything and fight or die. I love that you can have 30+ people all hammering on a giant mob stalking through the zone randomly... with no lag.
The crafting is kind of simplistic when compared to EQ2, and I would slaughter an entire village of boglings for more bag space, but one can't have everything.