Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Also, I'm an American and I always feel odd when I slip and call it a "bathroom." The Brits are right: there's no bath! Even when I'm in someone home where there is a bath, I'm not going to be using the bath. Restroom is equally ridiculous. Washroom is better, though even that one feels a bit odd to me. I like Daniel_'s explanation for why that term is appropriate though.
Bathroom, restroom... the rest of the world calls it a toilet.
I was in France once and had to go. I asked someone, Ou est le salle de bain (where is the bath room)? And received a look like I was talking crazy talk (i.e. why do you want to have a bath in the middle of a Convention Centre?).
I quickly changed to, Ou est la toilette? And was directed to the appropriate location.
The funny thing about Singapore is that it's a bit of a cultural hybrid with a lot of British influence but also a healthy dose of American influence. Depending on whom you are talking to, you can say toilet or bathroom. I have learned to use toilet as it is the more straight forward word and creates fewer questions when speaking to older folks with less of a grasp on the English language.
I suppose I could go all British and say WC or water closet.