Originally Posted by Plan9
Again, Cadre... I don't. If I'm an ignorant Westerner that believes roadside bombs kill whoever the fuck they want... karma need not apply.
Just for complete disclosure, I've been playing Devil's advocate here for this entire thread to the point of absurdity, but let's continue:
All this zen horseshit is killing me. Bad things don't necessarily happen to bad people. Good things don't necessarily happen to good people. As far as I see it, it's just random chance and you're either prepared or you're not. Shit happens. I'm a lowbrow. I need tangible examples of this karma thing in action. I need some kind of proof that, uh, David Koresh was loaded with bad karma. Is this all good vs. evil? Suggesting that good/evil exists is like suggesting that one of Baraka's D12s is an acceptable way to decide whether or not your child is going to be an astronaut when they grow up.
[repost of the Richard Bachman quote from above]
You're right, bad thngs don't necessarily happen to bad people. I live by karma and I try hard to show everyone the same loving kindness. But still I've been the victim of violence and now I may have lung cancer even though I have no risk factors. Life sucks that way and trust me when I say we agree on this more than you think we do.
You guys are forgetting an important aspect of karma that takes place between lives though and I suppose that if you don't believe in rebirth then you don't need to worry about that part of karma. The rest of it is just a way of viewing reality, not an alternate one (if that makes sense).
Edit: by the way, I am not suggesting that I am an expert or that I am even a 'good' buddhist, I struggle every day. Buddhism has made me a better, stronger person and it has gotten me through some hard times. If you don't agree with the principles that's fine but I don't want to see them skewed to fit misconceptions or prejudice.