No offence, but thats a load of bollocks.
If a dog runs at me baring teeth, *I* am supposed to act meek? Supposed to give him my clothes to eat, act like a bitch while he disrespects me and claims he's dominant over me?
Thats a joke.
If a dog runs up and is threatening me, it has FORFITTED its right to humane treatment. There is no reason I should hold back from issuing maximum violence to defend myself. We are talking about an animal, not a person.
If the owner doesnt want their dog to get hurt, either keep it under control or train it.
People letting dogs run wild is the most prevalent form of anti social behaviour in society today and it is about time something is done about it. If I am in a public place and some dog runs at me, I refuse to cower like a weakling because the lobbying group of selfish dog owners decrees it. I will certainly kick the dog and send its on its way if it threatens me, and if it comes back for me I'll up the ante.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru