We used to sing the Sara song... better, of course, if we would use the name of someone in the group...
Sarah, Sarah sitting in her Chevrolet
All day long she sits and shifts
All day long she shifts and sits
(then much faster) She sits and shifts and shifts and sits and sits and shifts and shifts and sits
Sarah, Sarah sitting in her Chevrolet
Tara, Tara, working in the tailor shop
All day long she fits and tucks
All day long she tucks and fits
(then much faster) She fits and tucks and tucks and fits and fits and tucks and tucks and fits
Tara, Tara, working in the tailor shop
Any time you said a "bad word" you had to take a drink. I got to where I could do the Sara song pretty well, but I always ended up with a few fucks and tits in Tara's song.
I'm not much of a drinker, but it was fun anyway. Oh, to be young again.
on the road again