(This is a minor question)
situation: I like this girl. She is 17 last year of school(17 this year. ) I am 19 finished school, uni in second semester. Good friends. Never clarified if we are just friends, in that sort of twilight zone but haven't 'done' anything. In different cities 5 hours apart. See each other on the island we go to every summer holidays. Share a lot of common interests and send her books. (romantic? ) Anyway, i was hoping to keep it cool and at friends until she turns 18 ....until 4 hours ago i get this email from her after asking her not to bother getting a specific book from the library out as i would send a purchased one down"
could you wait a week?
i'm going to send the first one(book of a series) down!
it was meant to be a surprise but hey..haha
her: 03 April at 17:33
i'll try too! that'll be so awesome!

thank you!

(Her responding to herself ) 05 April at 19:45
hey! you know Callan McAuliffe? yea well hes spoken to me eleven times now.. still counting

You probably have never heard of his name, but that hot shot motherfucker is in fact a movie star and actually features in a lead role in one of the books that turned into a movie we just discussed before:
Basically, The fish i was going for in my red sea? Just got spotted by Moses.
Do you think this is a test for me?

I want her to remain as someone i could enter a relationship in the future with but i don't want to kill her attention on me by sounding like i'm not interested in her by saying something encouraging. I can imagine she would expect some sort of jealous response even if i had a remote interest in her with her movie star bonding tease.
I don't want to play into her game though of giving my feelings away yet?
I know this doesn't seem like such a big deal but this girl is really something to me - hence the movie star attraction.
What would be the best reply to this?