It is entirely possible that she is pregnant. The best way to find out is a pregnancy test. Honestly, if you want to know, that's a much better answer than we are.
If I understand the order of events right - you came on your stomach, she touched the still-wet semen afterwards then touched the outside of her vagina. She then went to the bathroom and used some sort of spray attachment to wash it off. If she wash up rather than down, it's entirely possible that she sprayed semen inside herself. It's also possible that sperm entered her vagina before she got to the bathroom. The chances are remote, but they're not zero.
Sheepy, sperm can live outside the human body for up to 4 hours, although their ability to fertilize an egg dispears after about an hour.
By the way, it looks like you're not using any sort of birth control other than the "pull out" method. That's one that was declared "shitty" by the Romans in like 300 BC.
I'll ask the same question dlish did - how old are you and your girlfriend?
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo