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Old 04-04-2011, 03:20 AM   #2 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Location: Australia/UAE
i think you're in deep shit dude. seriously. she needs to get it checked out.

you produce on average 20M sperm everytime you cum ( 3-4ml) . if she got 1% of that on her finger ( thats 20,000 sperms) and she put in her kuchi-kutchi, assuming that half of them survived, she's got 10,000 of your swimmers attacking her eggs.

she needs to get a test done asap. she can piss on a stick and find out quite easily. but your're both in throuble, especially if she's having weird feelings and stomach cramps. sure tell-tale signs of pregnancy. are you saying she's 3 months pregnant?

how old are you guys anyways? you sound really young. did i mention that you can catch STD's from blowjobs?
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