Originally Posted by PhD
What would you do in a near sexless marriage where you have tried everything? The woman just isn't that sexual - full stop.
Sometimes an important part of mature discussion - which is what we do around here - is being honest with ourselves and each other. Calling someone's statement a lie is not a flame or punishable. You are not required to believe something you know is bullshit. So go ahead and call it when you see it - just be polite about it. The statement's the thing, not the person.
First, I think we need more information, as dlish pointed out. There are potentially big differences between your "near sexless marriage" and my definition of the same.
Second, I'm very curious why you feel the need to quote me from another thread seemingly out of context. Based on what prompted that statement, especially the behind-the-scenes stuff that you should have no idea about, I read your question in a very different light.
So why don't you come out with it and tell us what's really going on.