Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Batman. The first two Keaton/Burton films were great, especially for their time. Once Burton stepped away from the director's chair and other lead actors stepped in, it went to shit. [The franchise would later be saved by Christopher Nolan.].
I quote because I tend to agree with what you say but wanted to elaborate my pov., add others. I truly hope you don't mind.
Batman after Keaton it did suck. Clooney? Kilmer? laughable even with superstar actors for the villains the franchise became much like the 60's camp show, but the acting was better on the old TV show.
The Matrix. The sequels are dead to me.
Never saw a Matrix so can't really comment except to say the only Keanu Reeves movie I have any taste for is Devil's Advocate (with a topless Chalize Theron). Now that movie could have been sequelized.
X-men. The first was like an introduction of characters. The second was mediocre. The others have no appeal to me.
X men I agree totally the first was very well done. After that the writing and movies went nowhere.
Spiderman. The first was okay, the second was forgettable, the trailer to the third looked unpromising.
I liked Spidey 2 & 3, they had strong story lines and deeper character growth that I would have liked to see continue. Venom in a movie was hellacious, wasn't sure how they would do that but was impressed. 4 and "restarting it" may be pushing the franchise to Batman levels.
Star Wars. Episode I was a mess, but there were some interesting bits. Episodes II and III were bigger messes to the point of absurdity.
I think the problems I had with 1-3 were more against my perception Lucas was just trying to sap money out of the fans. He and Spielberg (the latest Indiana Jones, the Jaws series) are like the Gene Simmons of movies. If there is money to be made they will whore out everything they can, no integrity even considered. All about the money.
Transformers. The first one was entertaining but difficult to take seriously. The previews to the second one kept me away from it.
I didn't find 2 that bad, for what it was.... pure escapism. 3 maybe more difficult to swallow
The Highlander. There really can be only one.
VERY TRUE. The first was truly a classic of epic proportions with the directing, editing, writing and acting. Sadly, a series and the sequels failed to catch any of that.
Hellboy after the second one I lost taste for it. Didn't see 3, if I did it was forgettable.
Poltergeist Supposed curse aside, the first one was very good, after that Speilberg was just cashing in. The TV series was decent though.
Ghostbusters Again one where the first was classic but a tv series and sequels kind of tarnish the original's beauty.
Now, for a list of my own.... movies that left me wanting more (I'll start with the positive):
the Analyze this/that series. Would be interesting to see after all this time how the relationship of the characters grew.
Hell Raisera remake of the original has been talked about, planned and in the works for years. I think it may have issues because Doug Bradley IS Pinhead and I have seen them all and even though I know what will happen it is still a fun ride to get there.
Star Trek the last one redeemed the series in my eyes because it showed the Origins of the original crew.
Batman if they can make it as good as the last one.... cool, if not let the Dark Knight rest in pieces.
Movies that knew when to end and did so leaving a great franchise behind:
Lethal Weapon granted by the 4th they had pretty much nothing left.
Beverly Hills Cop the series that made and destroyed Eddie Murphy 2 was okay and likable, 3 just sucked the energy outta me. very dull and little humor, it was like everyone just was doing it for a paycheck. To have gone further would have made it a comic book.
Saw Loved all of them the last one (which is supposedly the last one, we'll see) was for me rejuvenating solely because of the 3D effects. It blew me away from beginning to end. But, without those 3D effects would it have been as good? Hard to tell, my taste has me liking Hell raiser series.... so you judge on that one.
The original OMEN Trilogy One of my favorite movie series. It was cool to see each phase in Damian Thorne's life.
Movies that they should never have been serialized or made maybe one too many of:
Children of the Corn The first one wasn't even that good.
Leprechaun/the Prophecy/Boogie Man/Halloween/Nightmare on Elm Street/etc the first ones had some camp and ran on a predictable pattern so the first of their respective series and maybe the second were decent after that they became a jumbled mess.
Friday the 13th I separated this from the latter solely because the late 80's series was extremely cool and wasn't connected to the movie series that much like the above had a decent first movie but became a laughable clone. The series was far better than the "Freddy's Nightmares" series which was just a Tales from the Darkside/Tales from the Crypt/Twilight Zone genre with VERY poor writing and plots.
So there you have it. The above in this post represents the views solely of this poster except where quoted without permission but was given proper recognition to the originator of said quoted material. (Lighten up it's a joke, smile)