Seems like every time after the fiancé' and I have sex, no matter what time day or night I have so much energy its unbelievable. He passes out within a few minutes and I feel as if I could run a marathon. Even if I have had the most exhausting, dragging ass, don't think I can hold my eyes open another minute day, we then have sex .... Bam!!!! I'm good to go for what feels like hours. Sometimes it is nice I can finish things, other times it's awful, cause I want to sleep just so I'm not tired the next day. I'm even on medicine for migraines that cause drowsiness and the adrenaline from sex fights through that. Does this happen to anyone else? Or am I lucky/cursed lol in this? We even tried to change time we had sex but with work schedule ( he on 1st, I on 2nd) that hasn't worked

. Any ideas or advice would be wonderful! Thanks