Its funny how the Political right can be so strongly Christian on the whole, and yet reject the social and political consequences of Christianity so thoroughly.
Should teachers be apolitical? I dont think they can be if they give a shit about what they are teaching. They just should admit their bias and give the kids access to other points of view.
Some of my best times at school were long arguments/debates with my Labour Party member sociology teacher (I was of course a communist and considered his position as no better than that of a capitalist bootlick and apologist of the master class...); refusing to complete my Mock A Level and instead writing an essay about the "fallacy of supply and demand"... from that I learned that while I might or might not have a point, it wouldnt hurt the capitalists much if I failed my Economics A Level when I had to take the real one (not that I would have done it in a real exam anyway... I think)
I find it incredibly depressing to hear some people here say school should be about learning facts only. That to me is a limited and limiting view. The social, political, and emotional development of the children is just as important. I have no issue with any teacher having any political bias as long as he or she is prepared to be challenged and challenge back.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas