Ya know, based on his "Find All Posts By User" content... every time Walt doesn't like something, exponentially more gay men get together for oral sex.
It's like a perverted Dr. Seuss book. Perhaps One Homo, Two Homo, Red Homo, Blue Homo.
I'm really disappointed that nobody made any Steven Seagal jokes. C'mon, people... get with the program.
I've got nothing else to add except based on the prices I could find, the rifle and stock are worth $850+. The rest can be sold / tossed / given to gay men to fuel their orgies as necessary. I try to look beyond superficial crap like shitty paint jobs and superfluous accessories to figure out if the raw gun is worth the price after what I can recoup on selling the accessories. I don't know much about anything, but buying this rifle for $1000 and selling the extraneous crap might be a worthwhile venture. Or it might not. I didn't bother to look up the prices of the brand name goodies. I do know that you'd be hard up to sell the ridiculous Blackhawk! looking buttstock fannypack. You might just have to call that a loss. Tell the guy not to include it in the box.
The rifle was built by a tactifatty on That Certain Board. His avatar is a picture of a fat white guy in kit doing something dynamic with a rifle.
Last edited by Plan9; 03-18-2011 at 06:46 AM..