So, what movies (and their endless sequels) have you just plain lost interest in? You were following them religiously, and at some point you just stopped caring?
Here's my list, in no particular order:
Terminator: the first two are awesome, and the third one blew donkey balls- I still haven't bothered with Terminator Salvation even today.
Highlander: Each successive sequel makes the one before it look good, no matter how bad the last one was. I stopped with Highlander Endgame, because of the ending. (If you haven't seen it, I'm not spoiling it.)
Die Hard: Like Terminator, the first two are awesome, and the third one just doesn't pull it off, despite the talents of John McTiernan directing. I would rather not see the fourth one, so I haven't.
Star Wars: Since those prequels also blew donkey balls, I refused to see that animated Clone Wars movie. Thanks, but no thanks George.
Lord of the Rings: I still haven't seen Return of the King, and to be honest, I don't know why. I just can't work up any enthusiasm to make the effort to finish the damn trilogy.
Rush Hour: The first one was passable entertainment, but the second one made me drop my membership to the Jackie Chan Fan Club (true story) I'm sure the third one is a steaming pile.
Spiderman: I liked the first one, was bored by the second one, and what little I saw of #3 was awful. I'm skipping the reboot.
If I think of anything else, I'll add to it. Otherwise, the floor is yours, people!