Originally Posted by Plan9
...Same speech I got in the living room of my old apt while drinking liquor out of a plastic bottle...
Planfailster9000 does make some good points, you CAN'T fall in love with someone you have never met. You are in love with an idea, not a person. You can talk, webcam, chat, IM, pretend your fleshlight is her, whatever... you are not in love.
I am also living with a girl I met on TFP, though posts on here that let to chatting, webcamming, and eventually a visit that lasted a week that let me know she was the one. I also farted in front of her, told her I was taking a dump via txt message, got drunk with her and all the other things you want to let a partner see before you make a big decision about your future together.
I think a lot of people who look for love online are desperate to BE in love. You are going to jump at the first thing that even remotely comes CLOSE to being like that feeling. It's not love till you can stand to be in the bathroom that she just dropped a massive dump in and be able to stand the smell. That's love.
You need to know this person, hang out with them without a backspace button. Know what they are really like.
If you said, "I love you" for the first time via IM. Then you not in love. That's High School shit.
Can online love happen? No.
Can you meet someone online that you could date and eventually fall in love with? Yes.
Does it happen a lot? No.
Originally Posted by howlingwolves
...I've only been online for about 7 months ....
Yeahhhhhhhh.... Online for 7 months? No, back away from the keyboard. NOW. You need at least 5+ years of online browsing before thinking about relationships (unless they are okcupid/eharmony local meetups for sex). You are like a toddler in Internet Years, you haven't learned enough not to be scammed. Beware.