Probably you are crazy. It's possible you aren't. The net allows people to be more open with one another, to show more of ourselves without (as much) fear as face to face. It can show you the "real" person much faster than real life can.
Or, it can hide it much more effectively. It slows down the interactions and gives you time to weigh your words/reactions so that you lose the spontaneity that face to face conversations give.
What is likely to happen, even in an on-line relationship is that as your feelings for each other grow, you will start to hold back some of the thoughts that you feel might offend/hurt the other. That's just natural. The complete openness slips into the normal relational strictures that any couple have.
But... maybe you're both being totally honest with each other, and can overlook the physical flaws and creature habits you each have but don't know about yet, and can come to a full loving relationship. It can happen. I have an incredibly wonderful friend whom I've never met, but whom I love/respect/trust implicitly. And against all odds, it has endured for years. So yes, it can happen... but it is rare, so don't exclude the possibility... just move cautiously.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.