Originally Posted by soma
She's kind of a princess. Doesn't see Amy problem with using a guy now and then. In her defense I don't think she's completely aware of the hurt she inflicted so acknowleding any wrong doing would be an unlikely thing for her to do. Well I've told my friends I can't go and that's how its going down tonight. Drinking some beers and surfing the net
It seems to be too late to help you with your original question but...
Why are you defending this chick?
She exploited you.
For money.
I suddenly recall there is a certain pejorative used to describe women who do that...I'm pretty sure 'princess' isn't it. At the very least she's manipulative, not charismatic. You should be grateful that you got to see the kind of person she really is before she dug even deeper. Avoiding her is giving her way more respect than she deserves.