Some of you are getting offended over my wording and I, kind of, apologize. Maybe poser wasn't the correct word to use. I stand by my observation that a lot of the people at this event were not true fetishists. I have no problem with people trying new things and I understand that each person interprets these events differently. My dislike for this crowd came from the fact that many of them were unfriendly, if not rude. I got the sense that these people talked a big game but really had very little experience (which is fine, but at least have the balls to admit that you are inexperienced).
Now of course there were a few cool people there and a few cool things to see.
My point is/was that this was more of a fad type of thing than a true bdsm event. That's great for those people that are looking for that but I personally am not.
Zeraph, Horns and Halos is the group that puts on these events. They have a Fetish Ball and a Fetish Prom every year.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.