The one time I did get a finger in her ass during sex, she came all over the place and loved it but since then, nothing, she doesn't even want that anymore.
- At the start she was fine. We both went after each other. Was get'n good. Then it just stopped on her end.
- The stress and tiredness seem to happen whenever its good for her. Example: All through the week we can stay up to watch her new favorite show - Sparticas (sp?) untill 10:30 - 11:00pm, but like the other night, we go to bed 1.5 hours (8:30pm) early and not only do I not get the back rub I won in a bet but no sex again (we did talk that morning about doing a little something after work with the clothes she wore to work - keeping only her shirt, high boots on and nothing else).
See that's what is wierd to me. She reacts amazingly well to something... and then shuts it down hard. Sounds almost like she's having physical symptoms from a massive emotional backlash against her own sexuality.