plan, I don't know you well enough to tell you, what you are full of.
Ok, so I offered some possible scenarios, in which case both participants want sex. I could make up other kind of convos for people, who are not willing to do it on the first date.
This article is nothing to be taken seriously. If it was, I would like to know things like, what age are the people in question, have they ever had sex etc.
I've been taken for more than 20 years, but my brother, who's in 40's, would have many tales to tell you. He's getting married soon and he only had one other longer relationship before this one, it lasted for three years.
He has had many efforts to couple with younger and older, single women, women with small kids, women with grown up children. He told me that sometimes it has really worked fine for him, when he has straight asked a girl, if it's possible to get in bed.