"well leveling isn't the point of the game...hence why you were bored. Leveling is just something you do so you can farm enough gold for your city and for pvp."
Youre right, but theres not 50 vs. 50 battles 24/7. They occur during a small window of the 24 hour clock. Usually at that time servers are hard to log into anyways, but thats not the point. If you are hardcore there is NOTHING To do during the day, or late night. Spending hours running aornd to track down some R3 from a rival guild who was farming and kill him is a pointless waste of time, and farming is boring as hell.
Group vs. Group battles are great though but that doesnt happen as much anymore. Segies are the same t hing every day. All cities are the same so do I care if my allies cities gets burnt? Why should I defend it?? It'll just fall the next day, or the next, seems pointless. Oh but I get to kill people, well with the lag I hardly know who I get the killshot on, and even if I did the fighting turns into a slide-show so I just mash buttons. You cant even tell how many people youve killed (no realm points or anything) and they never carry anything lootable so killing peopel is so pointless. I'll go kill people in a FPS.
That said I still play the game, I guess I'm bitter cause I suck at it I've killed 5 people and died at least 80 times no joke ! And I grab a group of people and try to find people to kill whenever I'm on.