Roger was walking down the street when he saw an old friend coming out of the market across the street.
He goes over to the other side to talk to his friend, "Hi Bill, how have you been? Its been over a month I haven't seen or heard from you."
Bill replys, "Well, you haven't seen me around because I just got back from Switzerland."
Roger asks, "What were you doing in Switzerland?"
Bill answers, "I'm embarassed to say. I'll only tell you if you promise not to tell anyone else." Roger agrees. Bill tell him, "Well I went to Switzerland to have my dick changed for a bigger one."
Roger is stunned. The first thing that came out his mouth was, "Bill does it work?"
Bill says, "Of course, want to see it?" Roger goes sure. They both over to the alleyway behind a dumpster and Bill whips out a huge 10 inch dick! Roger is speechless.
Roger asks, "Bill, how much did it cost?" Bill's reply was, "$50,000."
Roger says that he can't afford that much. Bill says that it's OK. The doctors can give you a new dick according to your budget.
Roger gets the info from Bill about going to Switzerland.
So a few months pass and the friends haven't seen each other. Bill gives Roger a call and asks him what's been going on.
Roger responds, "I went to Switzerland like you did!" Bill says great. Roger tells Bill to come over to see his new dick.
Bill shows up at Roger's apartment. Roger is so happy that as soon as he closes the door, he unzipps his pants and whips out his new dick. He tells Bill that he paid $20,000 for his new dick.
Bill just stands there speechless. Roger says "Not bad, huh."
Bill breaks out histerically laughing. He is laughing so hard that he can barely breathe or control himself. Roger says, "Why are you laughing? Its not as nice as your new one but its an improvement over my old one."
Bill finally gains his composure and says, "You have my old dick!!"