These pills work with no side affects
In November 2010 I was 257lbs. (extremely skeptical of pills & diet scam salespeople) however after paying $1600 for a personal trainer and a severe diet change I only lost a discouraging 11lbs in 3 1/2 months. I purchased some very effective diet pills and by New Years day i was 213lbs after stretching a 1mth supply over a 2mth period. As of today's date i am 208lbs and i've never felt better. Not one jitter, or crazy heart palpatations. And "NO" the pills didnt make me starve myself. I ate 7 to 8 times a day, till as late as i desired however the pills do make u feel full once u've eaten a valid portion of ur meal, but an hr or so later ur hungry & u can eat the rest of it and feel full for a few more hrs before ur next small meal.
I've never felt better and i look amazing with all of my curves in the right place. I agree exercise is very important but there's differnt strokes for different folk. What i've found to be fun and easy to commit to as a form of exercise is pole dancing and pole fitness/conditioning.
find what works for u... & share it with some1 it could benefit!
Be encouraged all of u!
Kaie (pronounced Kay)
---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------
So idk... about all diet pills from Thailand but the ones i've taken are awesome and i'd swear bye them! You wont regret it! I've only got another 35lbs more to go and i'm sure within the next month and 1/2 i'll be there.
dont knock it if u havent tried it! Btw i havent used them since dec 21st 2010 and i havent gained a lb... in fact i've continued to lose weight and i still eat the same (small portions 7 to 8 times a day).