Personality traits that get you excited
Melbourne trains are a wonderful place in which one can kill time and observe humanity at it's finest. It's especially wonderful because said trains rarely afford you any choice in the matter, often leaving its close to 950 occupants (600 passenger loading max recommended) feeling chipper and in fine spirits.
It was on such a train one morning I realised there are certain personality traits in women that I find incredibly sexually appealing. We're discarding all physical attributes here. For you see, I never did even get a chance to see this vixen.
Why did I find her sexually appealing? Listening to her friends and her talk one thing was obvious: she was a total odd ball. Likes to take photos of dead birds and post them at dive bars kind of odd ball, flies kites at night while listening spoken word versions of cooking for Benjy the rabid dog. Don't ask me how or why, I don't know, I just found it incredibly sexually appealing.
So, anyone out there find certain personality traits sexually attractive? Are you able to articulate why?
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