I've dated older women, younger women, women the same age. I've had two long distance relationships, and both more or less just faded away. I don't think they're good for the long term.
6 years is only a lifetime to a six-year-old. It's not much as age difference goes.
It sounds like to me she has been pretty forthright in conveying some things about herself to you. She won't or can't move, and she wants kids. At 30, she needs to start pretty soon. Have you been as forthright with her as to what you are ready for in a relationship?
I think this means that if you go for it, you should expect to have kids right away, and you should expect to move right away. She is clearly looking for a serious commitment.
No one can answer for you whether you should do this or not. The question is, do you want to grow old with this person, and if you do, are you willing to make some sacrifices and do things (like kids) that you weren't thinking of doing right away?
In my experience, true love doesn't come along all that often. I've been fortunate to find it once, in mumblety-mumble years. If this is that, I would do some serious soul searching before I gave it up.
There are things worth sacrificing for, and I thing you just need to ask yourself some questions and determine if this is one of them.
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