Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Wait, now the metric for civilization is sailing technology?
As I wrote before:
Note as well that I'm mainly talking about civilization here, i.e. culture and government, not so much about science.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
The Mayans were behind the Han, Islam and the Renaissance how exactly? Using what as a measuring stick? The Mayans had a more advanced calendar and the most advanced understanding of astronomy until the advent of the telescope. The Aztec had the only mandatory educational system in the world and Tlatelolco (Mexico City) was one of the largest in the world when Cortez got there.
Yet none of this seems to have mattered. Just as in a science experiment, you need the right amount of all ingredients for a successful blend.
A savour of curiousity toward exploration and innovation.
Enough governmental centralization to be able to support a substantial non-agricultural population.
Enough regionalism and/or a robust legal system to dissolve cultural monopolies.
Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Using what as a measuring stick?
Everything except astronomy and mandatory schooling