He was old enough to know what he was doing was wrong. And right now, he's old enough to get help on his own. Those children however, were / are not. They need your love, support and attention much more than he does. Even though this happened to only one daughter, that you know of, all of those children have indeed been affected.
I'm so sorry this has happened to your family. It happened to mine too. We're still not over it and probably will never be, even though the event took place about 26 years ago. It's very traumatizing for all involved. Even though you weren't directly hurt in this incident, I wouldn't say getting help for yourself is a bad idea. Your loved ones were hurt by another trusted loved one. Plain and simple - this is fucked up. But know that no one can be expected to be a hero here, including yourself.
I wish you nothing but the best. And I'm still new, but I think you'll get a lot of support by continuing to vent in the thread you've created here.