You did not ask if you should do this. You asked how to go about it. Shame on those of you who dissed his idea. I've seen two proposals occur at halftime of a college football game, one which was this year. The girl loved it. The guy loved it, and the fans applauded. Everybody loved it. There are very few sports fans on this board, so a lot of people don't understand this type of thing and have never seen it happen. I think it's great. I had a friend who got married in the football stadium in the middle of the field. You have to be a sports nut to understand. I applaud the unique. Ignore the negative comments, and go for it.
Congrats in advance, Kurant.
P.S. I could help you out down here, but in Boston I have no clue how to go about doing this.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.
Last edited by Grancey; 12-30-2010 at 05:27 PM..