Thank you for your opinion.
The forum moderating is basically run by volunteer workers, admins and mods, but the main site has games, and that site has paid employees working there.
They have privacy policy - which quite frankly, I'm not sure how to interprete. In fact it seems to me there really is no mention of such case, admin giving personal information to a private person. It's almost the opposite, when I view the privacy policy: the user, who registrates to the site - agrees that his/her personal information may be given to a third party, if the site regards there is reason to take legal actions, when there's a danger that this said person could damage the site.
Basically these rules actually seem to let the admins off the hook. Is it a moral issue, however?
What then, if emails given by those, who have access to view them, are used to doing something, that would harm the person, who's information was given out?
Is the best solution for forumers to use email, that does not contain any personal information?
Edit: More info to your questions: the site admin and the banned member were friends. Banned member had caused "havoc" in the forums and the other staff agreed on banning him, decision which the admin-friend had to agree with. But, this is also about, how the moderating policies are viewed. The banned member along with some other members, that got banned, were not treated well according to some forumers and in their opinion wouldn't have deserved their bans. The banned member was trying to prove, they were pushed to being permabanned by some of the moderators too strict policy... it was sort of a mutiny against the moderating policies.
Admin in question was in a bad situation being real life friends with the banned member, thus pressured from both sides - the mods, whose boss he was, and the friend, who's side he also wanted to take.